Neil McDermott



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Inclusion of content on this website does not imply ownership of the sound recording or musical composition copyrights. Click for more...

Copyright content accessible on this domain is made available for the purposes of review as per the fair dealing provision of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (section 30) updated in reg. 10 of the Copyright and Related Rights Regulations 2003.

Where content is commercially available elsewhere online relevant links have been included (please buy records!).

Where I own the sound recording and/or musical composition, content is licensed under the following terms:

Creative Commons License
Content by Neil McDermott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

I do most of my work on my own mobile Pro Tools rig consisting of a fine British analogue front end and some nice mics...

2 × AKG C414XLS (matched pair)
2 × AKG C451B (matched pair)
1 × AKG D112
1 × DPA 4099 + various instrument mounts
2 × NeumannKM183 (stereo set)
2 × NeumannKM185 (stereo set)
1 × Shure SM57
1 × Shure SM58

My mobile recording rig on location in Glasgow's City Halls for Sonic Bothy
AMS Neve 1073DPD
Audient ASP008 + digital o/p board
Metric Halo ULN-2 3d
Revox A77 MKIII ¼" tape recorder

Contact Details

You can contact me using the following details.

tel: 07751 521 279